Tuesday 12 October 2010

The Bluetones - Golden Soul

Ok, some of you will have seen me post links to this a number of times on my twitter feed or facebook thing.
The story behind it is simple, budgets for promo videos are not so forthcoming in this post TOTP age, and not having a deal with a major record company doesn't help either.
But, a presence on the Webnet is essential and we all know how big a part YouTube plays in all that.
So, we needed a video to promote the upcoming single but had no money.


Is there anyone we know who'll be prepared to spend a couple of months working in their spare time without pay and be able to come up with the goods?

F**k yeah! Muggin's 'ere.

That's how it went down. I spent the last 6-8weeks putting this together using just Flash and After Effects.
The idea being that if I was to emulate the old Hanna Barbera style cartoon af the 50's and 60's it wouldn't be so hard. The animation in those cartoons was (and don't get me wrong here - I love those old cartoons) quite simple and employed only a few frames of movement and a lot of re-use. That's helps in strimming the actual "animation" workload right back leaving more time to create different edits, transitions, and scenarios.

Hopefully it works. As with everything I do it's never actually finished. I always want to improve, tweak, change things but you have to give yourself a deadline or it'll drive you insane. I have niggles but on the whole I'm happy with it.

Hope you like it too.
