Let me explain....
I wanted to design a poster to commemorate The Bluetones' 17 or so years together and the final tour that we'll be doing together later this year. My original intention was to sell these on the merchandise stall on the farewell tour.
Also, elsewhere in my brain, I was thinking of putting together a poster for a favourite Tokyo-set film, and seeing if I could flog these on the internet and donate some of the proceeds to the Japanese Red Cross.
Two very nice and decent ideas I'm sure you'll agree. I'm that kind of guy.
Then one day, when I wasn't looking, these two germs of ideas decided to get it together and they sort of merged and became inseparably attached to one another.
Then followed a series of twitter posts (or "tweets" as they like to be called) asking some of my loyal worshipers whether or not they'd agree to buy a limited edition (100) signed and numbered Bluetones commemorative farewell tour poster (for £40 no less) if I promised to send all profit (all moneys left after expenses) to the Japanese Red Cross.
I was thinking that if at least 50 people said 'yes' then this would be worth doing.
The idea made sense to me as Japan has played a major part in the career/history of the band (It's our most visited/played country outside of the UK) and it was heart-breaking to see the devastation foisted upon the people of Japan following the huge earthquake on March 11th 2011.
The response, in only 2 or 3 hours, on twitter was better than I had expected. More than 80 people said that they would either definitely buy one or at least were interested, depending on the design of the poster itself.
So I set to work...
Now I still haven't quite figured all of this out yet but here's the deal so far...
There is a Paypal account set up scottmuldoon73@gmail.com
I'll be using this blog and twitter ONLY to advertise and sell the poster.
If you want one then send £40 to the above Paypal account and please add any instructions that may be useful such as your twitter account name (if you have one) your email address (so I can contact you if I need to) and, of course, your postal address.
Once I have enough money, I'll get the posters printed up.
I will strive to get the best quality prints I can, and on decent quality paper/card.
Then I will personally number and sign them and get them to you as soon as I can.
This may take a few weeks, and I will in a lot of cases be using 2nd class recorded post in order to keep costs down.
I estimate the overall cost of printing/packaging/postage to be approx. £500.
We'll see.
But that will still leave £3,500 for the Japanese Red Cross. Which is pretty decent no?
Some of you have messaged me on twitter already asking for particular numbered copies.
I have made notes of all of these and will do my best to get those ones to you.
I cannot promise that you will get the number you are after though.
There will be STRICTLY only 100 copies for sale.
It's first come first serve, so once all 100 have been sold, if money keeps coming in for more orders I will unfortunately have to simply send your money back. I'll try to keep on top of this and as soon as I notice them selling out I will put up a notice, here and on twitter, saying so.
Anyone who already expressed interest through twitter, I thank you from the heart of my bottom, but that was not a pre-order service. I can only reserve copies by way of you making a payment.
Is there anything else.....?
Oh yes. If you're poster is damaged or lost in the post then please let me know.
I'll get another one printed for you, put the same number on it and send it out again.
I am trusting that you will only ask for this if your poster is genuinely damaged or lost.
The cost of re-print and re-posting will come out of the proceeds so you'll be taking money away from the final donation amount if you are dishonest on this matter. But I have trust in you good eggs.
So to recap:
Send £40 here scottmuldoon73@gmail.com
Get one of these

And help out this lot a little bit http://bit.ly/gUp1nj
Many thanks in advance.
At the very end I'll make the donation and post the receipt or make a video of me making the donation or something along those lines. As proof that I am not pocketing any of the money.
The reason for keeping these posters limited to 100 copies is in order to add value to them. To make them worth the £40. (or something like that)
That's all folks.
What a fab idea. A great poster for a very worthy cause. *scoots off to find purse*